Mark Jansen
Why Yoga?
When I first asked myself that question in the 90s the answer was that I wanted to rehab from injuries I received participating in the sport of triathalon . The more I practiced I discovered that yoga made me happy. I appreciated things more. I appreciated those around me more. I discovered that everything you need to be happy is right inside of you already. You just need to allow yourself to see it, to feel it, to experience it. Yoga allows that to happen. Yoga enables that to happen. Becoming a yoga teacher has enabled me to share that experience with others.
My teacher training has been with Baron Baptiste, Founder of the Baptiste Institute. I have also completed trainings with Cameron Shayne of Budokon Yoga. I currently live in East End, Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands where I am permitted to share space with three cats as long as I feed them. They watch me kiteboard.
Please join me in practice…